• info@mre.ie

LDA’s Approach to Tackle Ireland’s Housing Crisis

LDA’s Approach to Tackle Ireland’s Housing Crisis   Introduction: In the midst of Ireland’s housing crisis, the Land Development Agency (LDA) shines hope with a commitment of €2bn (£1.72bn) to selected developers. This substantial investment is geared towards speeding up the delivery of 5,000 new homes across the nation by 2028, aligning with the ambitious […]

Planning Regulations: Former Pub Conversions and Housing Shortage Solutions

Planning Regulations: Former Pub Conversions and Housing Shortage Solutions Changes in planning regulations are aimed at tackling housing shortages and regenerating urban areas. An extension of the 2018 Planning Regulations now allows the conversion of former pubs into residential units without needing planning permission. This extension builds upon existing provisions that enable the change of […]



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